
Full Circle

Soulful Sessions & Sweaty Palms
Full Circle

F U L L C I R C L E .
a n t w e r p c i t y f e s t i v a l .
o n e c i t y .
t h r e e n i g h t s .
t h i r t e e n v e n u e s 

.As one of Antwerp's hottest new parties, Soulful Sessions has become synonymous with a proper night out. For their next celebration at De Studio, the collective has invited three of Belgium's heavyweight house and disco selectors: San Soda (your favourite DJ's favourite DJ), Sapiens Recording’s John Noseda and Antwerp's very own Bibi Seck. Sweaty Palms will provide the vibe at the Rotonde.

✦ l i n e u p .
✧ Bibi Seck
✧ John Noseda
✧ San Soda
✧ Sweaty Palms


partners StuBru, Vedett & Poppy


wo 10 nov 21     22u00